Category Archives: Mid-Life Crisis or Just Maturing

Elderhood in Action!

The Men Beyond 50 project champions ‘Giving Back’ and ‘Speaking Out’ by older men. Learning from elders (men and women ebbs together) is one of the main ways this can happen and here is one of the most inspiring and practical projects we have seen:

                                                                   The Amazings !

The Amazings project offers “classes, course and wisdom from elders with amazing lifetime experience”.

The website is beautifully put together and features course programmes (from 4-10 sessions) given by about 40 different older men and women in the London area. Some of the courses are activities, some are about passing on skills and stories to inspire others, the main areas being Art, DIY, Craft, Health, Music, Activities, Culture.  It also has short videos showcasing all the elders and profile pages so we can get a good idea what is involved before deciding to sign up. There is a feedback ‘Wishlist’ page, and a ‘Forum’ community page.

The Amazings. Remember the name, and visit the website. We are adding it to MB50 Partners, and I am sure we will be featuring the courses and activities of the elders regularly here!